SAS~ Investigation

You are given that two pairs of corresponding sides of the triangles are proportional and that the angle in between these two pairs of sides are congruent:[br][math]\frac{A'B'}{AB}=\frac{A'C'}{AC}[/math] and [math]\angle A\cong\angle A'[/math][br][br]You first need to create [math]\Delta A'B'C'[/math] by moving point D. It will change colors if you are successful. Are all three sides pairs of corresponding sides proportional and all three pairs of corresponding angles congruent? If so, the triangles are similar. If not, the triangles are not similar.[br][br]You can change the scale factor and/or pull on any of the BLUE dots to change the size of the triangles and the corresponding sides will remain proportional and the included angles will stay congruent. Do the sides remain proportional and the angles stay congruent so that the triangles stay similar?

Information: SAS~ Investigation