3D/AR Battleship

[size=100][size=150]1) Open up GeoGebra 3D Calculator on your device. [br][/size][size=150][br]2) To set up the gameboard it is more comfortable to use the 3D mode and switch to AR mode when the set up is ready[br][br][/size]3) Define the space in which ships can be placed (battlefield size)[br][list][*]if you limit yourself to one quadrant for the ships (tip: stay within +/- 4, otherwise the game takes too long), another could be used to document your own ‘attacks’ (keep track on you hits and misses)[/*][/list][br]4) Define the number and size of ships to be placed within the battlefield [br][list][*]stay within the previously definded battlefield size[/*][*]only use integer numbers for the ships location[/*][/list][/size]
[b]Recall how we plot ordered triples (x, y, z) in a 3-space:[/b][br][br]Enter any value for [i]x[/i], [i]y[/i], and [i]z[/i] you choose. [br]Then slide the slider to illustrate how we plot this point with order triple ([i]x[/i], [i]y, [/i]z).
Let's play Battleship in 3-Space! Here's how to play:
YOUR GAME BOARD: To set up this game board in augmented reality on your device, follow the instructions at the top.

Information: 3D/AR Battleship