About the Conference
Florida Atlantic University

Florida GeoGebra Conference, 2019
Dear[br]colleagues,[br][br]we are pleased to invite you to Florida GeoGebra[br]Conference, 2019. We invite [br]the teachers, educators, researchers, and innovators to present, exchange and discuss[br]their new ideas, results of research, applications and experiences in all[br]aspects of modern mathematical education supported by GeoGebra.[br][br]The Florida GeoGebra Conference will be held [b]Friday,[br]February 15th, at Pompano Beach Senior High School located in Pompano Beach,[br]Florida and Saturday, February 16th, 2019 at Florida Atlantic University[br]located in Boca Raton, Florida.[/b][br][br]We hope that the Florida GeoGebra Conference will be a place for meeting and[br]discussions of teachers and professors from different countries. The conference[br]program will offer the opportunity for learning the latest innovations and uses of GeoGebra in a classroom practice, finding new friends and sharing[br]new ideas in pedagogical and mathematical fields.
Introducion to GeoGebra: Markus Hohenwarter
Markus Hohenwarter founder and team leader for GeoGebra

Markus Hohenwarter
What is GeoGebra by creator- Markus Hohenwarter
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Short bio
[url=https://www.geogebra.org/u/markus+hohenwarter]Markus Hohenwarter[/url] is an Austrian mathematician and professor at the Johannes Kepler University. He is the director of the Institute for Didactics of Mathematics. As part of his university education (Applied Computer Science and Mathematics Teaching) he developed the mathematical teaching software GeoGebra, which has been awarded numerous software awards in Europe and the United States (Tech Award). Hohenwarter taught at a grammar school and worked in numerous teacher training projects in Austria, England and the USA. After his dissertation at the University of Salzburg (2006), he worked at Florida Atlantic University and Florida State University . On 1 February 2010 he became a university professor at the Institute for Didactics of Mathematics at the JKU Linz. His research focus is the use of technology in mathematics education.
Join us at the Florida GeoGebra Conference!
More information [url=http://www.math.fau.edu/geogebra2019/]CLICK HERE[/url][br] [br][color=#333333][url=https://fauf.fau.edu/geogebra2019/]REGISTER NOW[/url][/color][color=#333333][br][br]Friday only $25[br]Saturday only $25[br]Both days $40[br][br]Important dates:[br]Early registartion: January 15th, 2019[br]Florida GeoGebra Conference, February 15th -16th, 2019[br][br]More information [url=http://www.math.fau.edu/geogebra2019/]CLICK HERE[/url][br]or email: kwinkows@fau.edu[br][/color]

Tim Brzezinski Workshops

[b][color=#0000ff][url=https://www.geogebra.org/u/stevephelps]GeoGebra profile[/url][br]Twitter:[/color][/b] [url=https://twitter.com/dynamic_math]@dynamic_math[br][/url][color=#0000ff][b]Facebook:[/b][/color] [url=https://www.facebook.com/BrzezinskiMath]Brzezinski Math[br][/url][color=#ff00ff][b]Instagram:[/b][/color] [url=https://www.instagram.com/brzezinski_math/]brzezinski_math[/url]
[b][color=#0000ff]GeoGebra Resources for Discovery Learning[/color][/b][br][br]If you are new to GeoGebra, you do not need extensive GeoGebra experience to modify any existing GeoGebra resource to best suit the learning needs of various groups of students in your classes! In this session, we will actively experience how GeoGebra can foster active and differentiated discovery learning experiences for any student(s) with specific learning needs and abilities (Algebra 1, Geometry, higher levels). We will also copy and modify a public GeoGebra resource to create similar versions of this resource with different levels of scaffolding. In addition, we will also learn how to create our own GeoGebra books (to organize resources). We will also learn how easy it is to assign a GeoGebra task within a GeoGebra Group, Google Classroom, and other LMS platforms. Be sure to bring your own device![br]
Workshop 1 - Quick Demo. Points moveable. Click the checkbox & begin!
[b][color=#0000ff]GeoGebra Apps to ENGAGE Students[br][/color][/b][br]You don’t have to spend lots of time authoring a GeoGebra resource (ahead of time) to foster discovery learning and plan for active student exploration within your classes. In this session, we will explore many powerful means through which opening up any GeoGebra app can foster discovery learning, facilitate active student exploration, and serve as a tool through which students can formatively assess results of their own work. We will explore how these GeoGebra apps can enhance students’ learning experiences in discovering concepts & formatively assessing knowledge of concepts students learn in Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Precalculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus classes. In addition, we will explore how EXAM MODE allows students to safely use GeoGebra’s Graphing Calculator on their own devices when taking low- or high-stakes summative assessments. Be sure to bring your own device! [br]
Workshop 2 - Quick Demo
[b][color=#0000ff]GeoGebra Augmented Reality [br][/color][/b][br]GeoGebra Augmented Reality is an amazing, easy-to-use platform that can foster tremendous active, engaging, student-centered, discovery-based learning within any mathematics classroom. GeoGebra AR also serves as an effective tool to create, test, and modify mathematical models for various 3D real-world objects in ways that have never been possible before. Come explore how both GeoGebra AR can amazingly enhance students’ discovery learning and mathematical modeling experiences [b][color=#0000ff]in BOTH MIDDLE SCHOOL and HIGH SCHOOL! [/color][/b] We will explore GeoGebra Augmented Reality on both iOS (Apple) devices and non-iOS (Android, other) devices. Be sure to bring your own device!
GeoGebra Augmented Reality - Quick Demo on iPad
GeoGebra Augmented Reality - Quick Demo on Acer Chrome Tablet 10
Friday - Pompano Beach Senior High School

Pompano Beach Senior High School
Friday, Feb 15th, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
8:00-8:30 Registration[br]8:30 - 9:15 Invited lecture [b][url=https://ggbm.at/qpezbmdh]Markus Hohenwarter[/url][/b] [i]“[color=#0000ff]GeoGebra Classroom Resources and Sharing Platforms[/color]”[br][/i][center][i][br]Parallel sessions and workshops[/i][/center][table][tr][td]9:30 -10:40[/td][td][center][b]Tim Brzezinski [/b][br][color=#0000ff]GeoGebra Resources for Discovery [br]Learning[/color][br]Media room [/center][/td][td][center][b] [br]Violette A. Espinoza[/b][br][color=#0000ff]A Deeper Dive[br] into Math Nation[br][/color]Classroom 205[/center][/td][td] [url=https://ggbm.at/cgg2jch4]Scientific session[/url][br]Classroom 207[/td][/tr][tr][td]10:45-12:00[/td][td][center][color=#333333][b]Samantha Cruz[/b][br][/color][color=#0000ff]GeoGebra and Inquiry-Based [br]Activities[br][/color]Media room [/center][/td][td][center][b]Glenn Goverstein[br][/b][color=#0000ff]GeoGebra and Mirrors [br]workshop[br][/color]Classroom 205[/center][center][/center][center][/center][/td][td][url=https://ggbm.at/cgg2jch4]Scientific session[br]Classroom 207[br][/url][/td][/tr][/table][center]12:00-12:40 LUNCH (Cafeteria) [br]12:45-1:20 Short plenary session on Free Resources [br][b]Jennifer Silverman[/b] [color=#0000ff]GeoGebra Integration Within Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum (remote)[br][br]1:30-2:25 [/color][b]Tim Brzezinski[/b][color=#0000ff] GeoGebra and Augmented Reality [br][/color][/center][table][tr][td]2:30-3:30[/td][td][center][b]Steve Phelps [/b][color=#0000ff]-[br] GeoGebra Does THAT? [br]Using GeoGebra in Statistics [br]and AP Statistics[br](remote)[br][/color]Media room [/center][/td][td][b][/b][center][/center][b][/b][center][b]Edward Knote[br][/b][color=#0000ff]GeoGebra Books[br]Intro to GeoGebra [br]Crash Course[br][br][/color]Classroom 205[/center][color=#0000ff][/color][center][color=#0000ff][br][/color][/center][br][/td][/tr][/table][center][color=#0000ff][br][/color][/center][color=#333333][center][br][b]4:00 PM Meet ang Greet with Markus Hohenwarter place [br][br][/b]2500 E Atlantic Blvd,[br]Pompano Beach, FL 33062[br][br]Google Map for Flanagan’s Seafood Bar and Grill[br][url=https://goo.gl/maps/MBu5yyohsz62]https://goo.gl/maps/MBu5yyohsz62[/url][/center][/color]
Scientific program

Papers and posters
[b][size=150]Friday, February 15th, 2019 [br]9:30 am [/size][/b][br][table] [tr] [td][br] Petra Surynková[br] [br][/td] [td][br] presentation[br][br] [/td] [td][br] [br]GeoGebra and spatial geometry[br][br] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][br]Celina Abar[br][br] [/td] [td][br] presentation[br][br] [/td] [td][br] [br] Study Quadric Surfaces: a proposal using GeoGebra 3D-printed[br] materials[br][br] [br][br] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][br] Diogo Castro[br][br] [/td] [td][br] poster[br][br] [/td] [td][br] Gifmath: educative website for geometry learning and teaching[br][br] Gifmath: website educativo para o ensino e aprendizagem da geometria[br][br] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][br] Greg[br] Cruz Silva[br][br] [/td] [td][br] poster[br][br] [/td] [td][br] 2nd Degree Inequalities: An attempt to demystify their approach by constructing changes of records and treatments in the learning of Content with the aid of Geogebra[br][br] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][br]Katarzyna Winkowska-Nowak[br][br] [/td] [td][br] presentation[br][br] [/td] [td][br] GeoGebra in Poland: challenges in managing relevant online materials for Polish teachers [br][br] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [br]Valerian Antohe, [br]Mircea Crisnic[br][br][br][br] [/td] [td]presentation[br][br] [/td] [td][br][br]Ten Years with[br]GeoGebra[br][br][br] [br][br] [/td] [/tr][/table][br][br]