Parallel Lines Definition

The following applet is designed to help you understand what it means for lines to be parallel.

Angles related to parallel lines (Converses)

Parallel & Perpendicular Consequence

[color=#000000]The following applet demonstrates a property that parallel lines have when they're drawn in the coordinate plane. [br] [i] [br]Be sure to move the [color=#1e84cc][b]blue points[/b][/color] around quite a bit![/i] [/color]
[color=#000000]This applet demonstrates a property that perpendicular lines have when they're drawn in the coordinate plane. [br][br][i]Be sure to move the points around quite a bit and observe carefully as you do! [/i][/color]
[color=#000000]What can you conclude about parallel lines drawn in the coordinate plane? [/color]
[color=#000000]What can you conclude about perpendicular lines that are drawn in the coordinate plane? [br](Assume the lines are not aligned horizontally and vertically). [/color]

Animation 39

What theorem is dynamically being illustrated below?[br](Note: Two of the three lines shown are parallel.)
