Dynamic Model for Division

The model presented is valid for the interpretation of the whole-number quotient of a whole number. For every case of a division “whole-number quotient of a whole number” must be designed a model which helps to interpret the case. Here is chosen the case of partitioning the set of 12 objects into:[br]a) 2 groups of equal shares in each one, symbolically denoted as 12÷2[br]b) 3 groups of equal shares in each one, symbolically denoted as 12÷3[br]c) 4 groups of equal shares in each one, symbolically denoted as 12÷4[br]The 12 objects are represented by 12 blue circles. The respective model for the division interpretation is constructed using GeoGebra software with its effective virtual tools and the excellent periodic properties of the trigonometric functions. The model of this case serves as a demonstrative model for the teachers to use in their classroom, equipped with computers, or in computer laboratories. [br]*** Play with the slider and observe the dynamic of partitioning of the set of 12 objects into 2, 3 and 4 groups, respectively, simultaneously are shown the respective equations of the division.
Dynamic Model for Division

Information: Dynamic Model for Division