Archimedes QP Prop. 1

Archimedes Quadrature of Parabola Prop. 1
Drag point V to get different chord lengths

Cavalieri - Area under curve

Cavalieri - Area under curve

Click on Areas checkbox to view rectangle and triangle in segment of parabola. Use the Function Inspector (set to -2 / 2) to see area under curve.

Application of Newton's Lemma VI

Move point B toward A to see the eventual slope of the tangent to the curve [math]y=x^2[/math] at A. Do the same with points D and C for [math]y=x^3[/math]. Hold Shift and scroll to zoom in and out.

Leibniz - Ellipse/Parabola

Move point B to extend focus C toward infinity. What happens when line BP is parallel to line VAC? Leibniz says that when line BP is all but parallel to line VAC, angle ACB is infinitely small. But I have added line B'C which will create and angle B'CA that is always less than angle BCA. Will angle B'AC be less than angle BAC at the "transition point" when the angle (BAC or B'AC?) is infinitely small?

Leibniz - Application of Rules Problem 1 a-e

Leibniz - Application of Rules Problem 1 a-e

Check the box for each problem a-e to see the graph and slide the tangent point to show the differential at various points. You can check the values against your equations.

Note 21 - Trigonometric Applications

Trigonometric Applications - Application of Newton's Lemmas and Leibniz's Differentials Slide point B toward point A
