G.GCO.9 Isosceles Trapezoid Action!

[color=#000000]Interact with the applet below for a few minutes. Then, answer the questions that follow. [br]Be sure to change the locations of the [/color][b]BIG GRAY POINTS[/b] [color=#000000]each time before re-sliding the slider![/color]
[color=#980000][b]Questions:[/b][/color][br][br][color=#000000]1) What new conclusions can you make about an isosceles trapezoid? Describe in detail. [br][br]2) Suppose one interior angle of an isosceles trapezoid measures 78 degrees. [br] Determine the measures of its other 3 interior angles. [br][br]3) Suppose the length of one diagonal of an isosceles trapezoid measures 16 inches. [br] What would the length of its other diagonal be? [/color]

Information: G.GCO.9 Isosceles Trapezoid Action!