Common questions about GeoGebra Apps

Why are there so many different apps?
[size=100]In order to satisfy our user community while simultaneously being compliant with regulations for high-stakes testing, we have different [i]GeoGebra[/i] apps from which you can choose. This allows students to use the power of our apps for high-stakes tests and paper exams while restricting their access to the internet or other software that are not allowed during these tests. At any time, you can also use the [i]Calculator Suite[/i] or [i]Classic[/i] app to access the fullest power of [i]GeoGebra. [br][/i][br]Have a look at the [url=]Comparison of GeoGebra Math Apps[/url] to find the right app that meets the testing requirements of your school district, state, or ministry of education. [/size]
How can I send a message to an author?
Go to the details page of the resource. There you will find the option "[i]Contact author of resource[/i]".
Why are the CAS commands not working in Graphing Calculator?
We have removed all CAS commands and geometric construction features from our [i]Graphing Calculator[/i], as many states and countries do not allow students to access these features on high-stakes exams. You can still use numeric versions of these commands. [br][br]Symbolic computations like the integral are now gathered in our [i]CAS Calculator[/i] app which is available for Android on the [url=]Google Play Store[/url] and for iOS on the [url=]App Store[/url]. You can also use our [i]Calculator Suite [/i]app for symbolic computations. The [i]Suite Calculator[/i] is also available for Android on [url=]Google Play Store[/url] and for iOS on the [url=]App Store[/url].
Which commands can I use in the CAS app?
You can find a list of all CAS specific commands in the [url=]GeoGebra Manual[/url].
Why are numbers not exact in Graphing Calculator?
The [i]Graphing Calculator[/i] outputs decimal approximations. Our [i]CAS Calculator[/i] provides exact values.
How do I know if my Android phone supports AR?
You can check here if your Android phone or tablet supports AR: [url=][/url][br]For Android devices, you will also need to install Google Play Services for AR: [url=][/url][br]
Why are undefined points not shown when plotting a graph?
Invalid values are not excluded, because [i]GeoGebra[/i] uses the [url=]extended real number line[/url]. So this is the expected behavior. [br]
Why is the input cursor displayed as a "j" instead of a "|"?
This is a phone-specific issue with Huawei phones. Please try to set the theme or font of your phone to standard setting and give [i]GeoGebra[/i] another try.
How can I disable automatic updates for my apps?
On mobile devices you can disable automatic updates in the App Store / Play Store.[br]To avoid automatic updates for installed desktop apps, please use a portable version. You can find an overview of the different versions in the [url=]GeoGebra Manual[/url][br][b]Note:[/b] We recommend to enable automatic updates as they give you access to new features and bug fixes.
Can I save and load files on my phone?
Yes, you can save files offline on your phone by using "[i]Save[/i]" in the menu. When asked to Sign in, scroll to the bottom and select “[i]Continue without signing in now[/i]”. Your files will be collected in a [i]GeoGebra[/i] folder on your internal memory. Tapping on any .ggb files in other apps, e.g. your file manager or an email app, will open this file in the right [i]GeoGebra[/i] app. [br]If you are using our iOS apps, you can use "[i]Share[/i]" in the menu and then save it to your files on your device.[br]
My computer crashed, is my work saved?
Have a look in the computer's temporary folder an look for the [b]most recent[/b] file like GeogebraUndoInfo6533063557894725659.ggb or just type "%temp%" in Windows Explorer and press "[i]Enter[/i]".
I can't open my .ggb file, is there a way to fix it?
Often a broken file can be fixed following these steps:[br]1. Install a free trial version of [url=]WinRAR [/url]on your computer[br]2. Open WinRAR and find your broken file[br]3. Select your broken file and click "Repair" in the toolbar[br]4. Select a location to save the new file and "treat as ZIP"[br]5. The new file created by WinRAR should work now[br][br]If the file is still broken, go to the [url=]GeoGebra Forum[/url], maybe we can help. To find out more about [i]GeoGebra's[/i] file format, read about it in the [url=]GeoGebra Manual[/url].[br]
Where can I find more information about the Moodle Plugin?
Currently, the Moodle plugins are not maintained officially by the GeoGebra team.[br]The Moodle plugin has a new maintainer as you can see [url=]here[/url].
Where can I find the latest version of the GeoGebra manual?
You can find the GeoGebra manual on the following two links:[br][list][br][*][url=][/url][/*][*][url=][/url][/*][br][/list]

How to use GeoGebra

Where do I start?
You can learn how to use [i]GeoGebra Graphing Calculator, Geometry[/i] and [i]Classic[/i] app in 15 minutes with one of the [url=]self-learning courses[/url] created by our friends from [url=]Kikora[/url].[br][br]Another resource you can access is [url=]GeoGebra Geometry App: Beginner Tutorials with Lesson Ideas[/url] created by [url=]Tim Brzezinski[/url]. This resource contains quick tutorials for teachers with lesson ideas for student-centered discovery learning.
Are there more tutorials available?
Yes! Here's a list to help you get started:[br][br][b]Text-based Tutorials[/b][br]You can find various tutorials on the [url=]Tutorials Section[/url].[br][b]Note:[/b] If you change the language on the bottom left to your preferred language, you can see which tutorials are available in a translated version.[br][br][b]Video Tutorials[/b][br]Video tutorials are collected on our [url=]YouTube Channel[/url].[br]Our friend [url=]Tim Brzezinski[/url] also offers a lot of nice video tutorials on [url=]his YouTube Channel[/url].
How can I use the website?
When using [i]GeoGebra Apps[/i], you can save your work online. On the website you can find all your saved resources, organize them, and share them with others. To get started have a look at the [size=100][url=]Learn how to use Resources Tutorial[/url][/size]. There you'll find information on creating [i][url=]Activities[/url] [/i]and [i][url=]Books[/url][/i]. In the [url=]Learn GeoGebra Classroom Tutorial[/url], you will get more information on creating interactive classes.
Who can help me with a specific task?
If you need help with specific tasks, please go to the [url=]GeoGebra Forum[/url] to get help from our expert users.[br]

Fix problems with my account

Where can I change my account settings?
You can see and change your account settings by visiting [url=][/url]. Another way to go to your settings is: [br]1. Log in to [url=][/url] [br]2. Make sure that you are on your profile page and click under your banner picture on EDIT PROFILE.
I haven't received a registration email - what do I do?
Your registration was probably successful and you haven't received a registration email because of technical issues. [br]Please try to sign in again, and if you can't, please try to change the password: click on the "[i]Forgot password[/i]" link at the bottom of the Sign in dialog, and send the registration email on the next form. After this, you should get an email about what to do. If you won't get the email about setting a new password, please contact us at
How can I enable / disable notifications?
Go to your account settings, there you'll find the options to enable / disable notifications.
How can I delete my account?
Go to your account settings, there you'll find a button to delete your account at the bottom of the page.
I can't log in to the website using my Google account - what do I do?
The first thing you can try is to delete your browsers cookies and then try to log in again.[br]If it still doesn't work, follow these steps:[br]1. Click SIGN IN[br]2. Instead of "[i]Google[/i]" select "[i]Others[/i]"[br]3. Select "[i]Google[/i]"[br]4. Select your Google account[br]Now you should be logged in.[br]If you still can’t log in, please contact us at with a detailed description of what you experience.
Who should I contact if I need assistance solving my problem?
If you need our assistance, please contact us at
How can I remove Facebook/Google/... Authorization from my account?
You can change your authorization type by going to your account settings at [url=][/url] and following these instructions:[br][list][*]On the section “[i]Authorization type(s)[/i]” first set a password by clicking the small pen next to “[i]Password[/i]”[/*][*]Now you should see a small recycle bin next to the Facebook/Google authorization [/*][*]Click the recycle bin to remove the authorization type[/*][/list]
I can't create an account and I get Error 3194 - what do I do?
Please enable Java script to solve our captcha and try again.
