[b]Design Notes[/b] (also found in the textDesignNotes in the file DELETE this after creating your activity)[br][br](Used google sheets to generate objects for subscripts 1 to 12 at[br]https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-FpkN03PpMYn9lSI87PIrzLThJD9xlqiPzdQa6dZkm8/edit?usp=sharing)[br][br]Show object “buttonGenerateObjectsforDragDropQuestion“ so that you can regenerate all over again ONLY IF NEEDED[br]Use numberofitems slider to set the number of drag drop items (Maximum is 12 items)[br]Re label the items if needed, in cells A1 to A12[br]Do uncheck the property Selection Allowed in the Advanced tab for A1 to A12 to prevent interference with drag drop action[br]You will need to hide unhide the following manually based on what you need.[br](a) A1 to A12 [br](b) textlabelboxes 1 to 12 [br](c) textfeedback 1 to 12[br]You will need to also manually check and re position textfeedback 1 to 12 to the correct hotspots where necessary[br][br]Note that the positions of labels on RESET can be shuffled, ie placed not in the same position. If you wish to shuffle it,[br]remove the comment marker # on the Update Construction() command in the RESET button called buttonReset