रेषाखंडाची एकरुपता

रेषा खंडाची एकरुपता
[br][br]आपल्या समोर दिलेल्या[br]कृतीचे निरिक्षण करा व खालिल प्रश्नाची उत्तरे द्या [br][br][br]
[b]Questions: [/b][br][br][b] [/b] 1) What transformations have we learned about thus far?  List them. [br][br]2) What transformations did you observe here while[br]interacting with this applet above?[br][br][br][br]  3) How[br]would you describe what it means for segments to be classified as [b]congruent     segments [/b]with respect to any[br]one (or more) of the transformations you observed here      in[br]this applet?  Explain.[br][br][br]

Information: रेषाखंडाची एकरुपता