Galaxy: Rotations and Dilatations

GeoGebra Script
[code]A = (-1, 0)[br]B = (1, 0)[br]C = (0.68, 0.74)[br][br]c = Ellipse(A, B, C)[br][br]a = Slider(0, 1, 0.01, 1, 200, false, true, false, false)[br][br]Execute(Sequence("A"+k+"="+k+"/2", k, 1, 20))[br][br]f(x) = (1 - a) * (x) + a * (-x)[br][br]Execute(Sequence("B"+k+"=Rotate(Dilate(c, A"+k+", (0, 0)), f(A"+k+" / 4), (0, 0))", k, 1, 20))[br][br]Execute(Sequence("ShowLabel(B"+k+", false)", k, 1, 20))[br][br]Execute(Sequence("SetDynamicColor(B"+k+", "+k+"/20, 1, 1)", k, 1, 20))[/code]
The animation actually shows a variation of colors (HSV) using the expression: [code]1/"+k+" [/code]

Information: Galaxy: Rotations and Dilatations