In the applet below, you'll notice a [b]RIGHT TRIANGLE[/b] (shown in white) with colorful squares built off its 2 legs. There is a blank (white) square built off its hypotenuse. [br][br]1) Drag the gray slider all the way to the right. [br]2) What do you notice? Describe in detail! [br][br]3) Now, drag the slider all the way back to the left side.[br]4) Move the vertices (corners) of the right triangle around so that the right triangle doesn't stay the same as the right triangle you started with. [br]5) Drag the gray slider all the way down to the right. What do you notice? Describe in detail![br][br]6) Repeat steps (3) - (5) as many times as you wish? [br][br]7) [b]Can you make a general statement about the area of the square built off the shorter leg, [br] the area of the square built off the longer leg, and the area of the square built off the hypotenuse? [/b][br] [b] [color=#c51414]Write this statement in a complete sentence, and be prepared to share this statement with the rest of the class! [/color][/b]