(Simple) Area of a Parallelogram

[size=100][justify][/justify][/size][justify][size=100]A parallelogram is a geometrical figure that has four sides formed by[color=#ff0000][b] two pairs of parallel lines[/b][/color]. [br][br]Opposite sides are equal in length and opposite angles are equal in measure.[/size][/justify]
This activity will help you to find the area of a parallelogram in a given figure.
[justify]Move point A or point B to create a parallelogram of your choice. Drag point K to the extreme right of the segment.[/justify]
[size=85][size=100][justify]What is the relationship between the area of the parallelogram and the area of the resulting rectangle?[/justify][/size][/size]
[size=100][justify]Based on the illustration above, what is the formula in finding the area of a parallelogram?[/justify][/size]
[size=100]How can we find the area of a parallelogram?[/size]
If you would like to know more about area of parallelogram, watch this video.
Area of a Parallelogram

Information: (Simple) Area of a Parallelogram