Algebraic surfaces --

The use of algebraic surfaces in the class room
[justify]I have been using some algebraic surfaces in the class room to show the concept of equation, non zero divisors law, simultaneous equations, intersection of conics and many other using the [url=]SURFER[/url] software of the [url=][/url] platform. Guide about the use of algebraic surfaces in the class room [url=]Link to PDF[/url][br][br]But I was Unable to create the same surfaces in GeoGebra and I wanted them in GeoGebra because we all know about the advantages of GGB. I solved the problem. (making one unknown of the surface's equation the subject and using a parametric surface with the [url=]surface command[/url].) [url=]Complete guide in here: link [/url] (It is in Spanish I am working on the translation to English)[br][br][math]f\left(x,y\right)=z[/math][br][br]Surface command with parametric curve: [math]\left(r,t,f\left(r,t\right)\right)[/math][br][br]The goal is to create STL files and print most of the surfaces in [color=#1e84cc]Herwig Hauser's[/color] gallery [url=]LINK[/url] [/justify]
Complete GGB on this can be found in here: [url=]LINK[/url]

Information: Algebraic surfaces --