STEAM Classroom Layout: Area & Budget

Directions (Read carefully):
After you create your following classroom layout on google slides, please answer and calculate and show work for the following problems below!
Before you calculate and answer the following problems, please make sure your classroom layout has AT LEAST 1 of each shape, teacher desk, and any other following furniture you think is necessary. [br][list][*]Parallelogram[/*][*]Triangle[/*][*]Trapezoid[/*][/list]
1) How many parallelogram desks do you have in your classroom?
2) What is the total area of ONLY the parallelogram desks? SHOW YOUR WORK.
3) How many triangle desks do you have in your classroom?
4) What is the total area of ONLY the triangle desks? SHOW YOUR WORK.
5) How many trapezoid desks do you have in your classroom?
6) What is the total area of ONLY the trapezoid desks? SHOW YOUR WORK.
8) What is the space or desk area per each student that they will have to work with? (Hint: Think about the total number of student desks and number of students that can fit in your class)
9) How much space or area do you have leftover following the social distance guideline? (Hint: Classroom is 30' by 30' feet)
Part 2: Budget Calculation
Mr. Yannarella has given you a budget of $5,500 to spend on buying desks and tables for the classroom. Some additional costs to consider are:[br][br][list][*]Whiteboard Surface (+$70 each desk)[br][/*][*]Caster Wheels (+45 each table/desk)[br][/*][/list][br]Answer the following questions based off the amount and type of desks you used. [br]Please refer back to the classroom project google slides for the cost of the items.
10) Did you have any amount from your $5,500 budget leftover? If so, state how much. If not, write none.
11) What was the total cost for ONLY the parallelogram desks?
12) What was the total cost for ONLY the triangle desks?
13) What was the total costs for ONLY the trapezoid desks?
14) How much of the total $5500 budget did you end up using?
15) Compared to the total amount you used, do you think you could have saved even more from your budget? How so?
16) What was the most difficult or challenging part from this classroom project?
17) What did you enjoy most from this classroom project?

Information: STEAM Classroom Layout: Area & Budget