v801 - 11th of September

Improvement: Autocomplete
It doesn't pop up in subscripts, superscripts, etc.
Improvement: Dialog
Unattachable commands don't show in the InputBox dialog.
Improvement: Undo/Redo
It works better for actions of object properties.
Improvement: List behaviour
[list][*]Dragging and keyboard navigation have the same behavior for objects in lists.[/*][/list]
[list][*]Keyboard navigation: The point from the end of the list can jump to the start of the list.[br]Use keys: - & +.[/*][/list]
Improvement for recurring decimals
The symbolic option in the AV displays it as a fraction.[br]
[b]Note[br][/b]Recurring decimals shortcut: [br][list][*]Windows:[i] ctrl + O[/i][/*][*]macOS: [i]command + O[/i][/*][/list]
Improvement: Saving offline
Save to your computer added for Firefox & Safari.
Improvement: Plotting

Informazioni: v801 - 11th of September