Coupled Differential Equations

Move "Initial conditions" point on the right hand screen to change the initial conditions.[br][br]On the left are the two solution curves for x and y when the DEs are solved together.[br]On the right is the phase plane diagram.[br][br]Two examples are available:[br]1. the Lotka Volterra predator-prey model (loaded on startup).[br]2. A model of two reagents in a chemical reaction (solving this is within the scope of A-level Further Maths)[br][br]You can also edit the two functions to create your own.[br](best to do this after ticking the Chemical Reaction model, to remove references to predators and prey etc)[br](the zoom fit buttons on each side should give a way to zoom the views appropriately, but may malfunction if an unusual function is created!)[br][br]Use the checkboxes to display/hide various info.[br][br]In particular click "Animate Time" to show an animated solution.

Information: Coupled Differential Equations