After creating a GeoGebra Classroom, a randomly generated code appears on the [i]Lesson Overview.[/i] [br]This is the code students will need to enter your [i]Lesson[/i].
There are a few options to invite students to your [i]Lesson[/i].[br][br]You can…[br][list][*]send them the code from the [i]Lesson Overview[/i]. [br]The students can go to [url=][/url] and enter the code to join the [i]Lesson[/i].[br][/*][*]choose the [i]Copy[/i] button on the [i]Lesson Overview[/i] to copy the direct link to the [i]Lesson[/i] and send it to your students.[/*][*]select the [i]Share[/i] button on the top-right corner of the [i]Lesson Overview[/i] and copy the direct link to the [i]Lesson[/i] to send it to your students.[/*][/list]
Once the students have entered the lesson code and joined the [i]Lesson[/i] or followed the direct link to the [i]Lesson[/i], they can sign in with a [i]GeoGebra[/i] [i]Account[/i] or enter their name.[br][br][b]Note:[/b] When students log in with their [i]GeoGebra[/i] [i]Account[/i], the [i]Lesson[/i] itself and the results are saved with the user. [br]The students can later access the last saved status of the [i]Lesson[/i]. All saved [i]Lessons [/i]of the students are displayed on the P[i]rofile Page[/i] of the student.
The students are now in your [i]Lesson [/i]and can start working on the tasks. [br]You will see a list of the students who have already joined the [i]Lesson [/i]on the [i]Lesson Overview[/i].