Explore Transformation Matrices for Rotation about Origin and Reflection about line through Origin

[size=150][size=200]Choose the transformation matrices for rotation and reflection using the drop down list,[br]and explore the different effects using the handle at P to change the angles of rotation or the angle of the line of reflection with the x axis[/size][/size]
[size=150][size=200]Write down sample matrix calculations justifying and showing how points A and D are transformed by each of the rotations about O or reflections in the line through O.[br]Suggested calculations :[br](1) Rotation of Point A 90 deg anticlockwise [br][br](2) Rotation of Point D 90 deg anticlockwise[br][br](3) Rotation of Point A 180 deg clockwise[br][br](4) Rotation of Point D 180 deg clockwise[br][br](5) Reflection of Point A in line making angle of 90 deg anticlockwise with x axis [br][br](6) Reflection of Point D in line making angle of 90 deg anticlockwise with x axis [br][br](7) Reflection of Point A in line making angle of 180 deg anticlockwise with x axis [br][br](8) Reflection of Point D in line making angle of 180 deg anticlockwise with x axis [/size][/size]

Información: Explore Transformation Matrices for Rotation about Origin and Reflection about line through Origin