This applet explores the idea of equivalent proper fractions. [br]The top part of the screen is the reference area. Here we enter a new [i][b]proper[/b][/i] fraction and see it as a part of a unit square. [br]The bottom part of the screen is for experimenting with the fraction.[list][*]Enter a new proper fraction.[/*][*]Drag the slider to select a non-zero whole number.[/*][*]Click on the "Multiply" button to multiply the numerator and the denominator by this number.[/*][*]Drag the "Compare the Fractions" slider to represent the original and the new fraction on the number line.[/*][*]Click the "Add" button to experiment with adding the same number to the numerator and the denominator.[/*][*]Drag the "Compare the Fractions" slider to represent the original and the new fraction on the number line.[/*][/list]
Enter the fraction ⅔[br][b]Multiply[/b] the numerator AND the denominator by 2. We call this process [i]Expanding[/i] of fractions. [br][list][*]Compare the original and the expanded fraction.[/*][*]Multiply the numerator AND the denominator by 5. [/*][*]Compare the original and the expanded fraction.[/*][/list]Repeat the steps above by choosing different fractions and multiplying the numerator AND the denominator by the same nonzero whole number.
Enter the fraction ⅔[br][list][*][b]Add[/b] 2 to the numerator AND the denominator. [/*][*]Compare the original and the new fraction.[/*][*][b]Add[/b] 5 to the numerator AND the denominator. [/*][*]Compare the original and the new fraction.[/*][/list]Repeat the steps above by choosing different fractions and adding the same nonzero whole number to the numerator AND the denominator.