Block B Interior and exterior angles in regular polygons

Investigate the interior and exterior angles in a range of regular polygons.
Record the interior and exterior angles in each different regular polygon. What is the relationship between the number of sides and each of the two angles?
[color=#ff0000]1. What is the measure of the interior angle of a REGULAR polygon with 10 sides using the slide ruler of the picture?[/color]
[color=#ff0000]2. Write the formula for finding each interior angle of a polygon.[/color]
[color=#ff0000]3. Use the formula from question #2 to calculate each interior angle of the polygon in question #1. Show your work and put it on the space provided below. Did you get the same answer?[/color]
[color=#ff0000]4. Use the slide ruler provided to find the measure of an exterior angle of a polygon with 8 sides and write the number in the space below.[/color]
[color=#ff0000]5. Write the formula for finding each exterior angle of a regular polygon in the space provided below. Calculate for the polygon in question #4. Did you get the same result?[/color]

Information: Block B Interior and exterior angles in regular polygons