Section d'un cône par un plan parallèle à sa base
Sections of Rectangular Prisms (Cuboids)
Drag the blue points to see the different sections of the rectangular prism (cuboid).
Anthony Or. GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong
Une sphère est un ensemble de points
Quelle est la propriété mathématique commune à tous les points d'une sphère ?[br]Qu'est-ce qui différencie une sphère d'une boule ?
Une sphère est un ensemble de points
Sections of Cones
Drag the blue points to see the different sections of the cone.
Anthony Or. GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong
Net of Icosahedron
Ruled Surface
Drag the large [color=#FF00FF]MAGENTA[/color] point to change the shape of the ruled surface.
Ruled Surface
Menger Sponge: Stage 1
Stage 1 of a Menger Sponge.
Spherical Lines: Great Circles and Poles
Every point on the sphere can be associated with a great circle. From point A, construct a line through the center of the sphere. Then, construct a plane perpendicular to this line through the center of the sphere. The intersection is the great circle associated with the point A. Point A is called the pole of the great circle. Every great circle has two poles (do you see why?)
Spherical Lines: Great Circles and Poles
用 Geogebra 模擬日照、影長變換
教學影片解說:[url][/url][br]這個檔案主要透過模擬不同「太陽直射角」、「緯度」與「時間點」觀察其竿影長變化。[br]推薦參考網頁 [url][/url]
用 Geogebra 模擬日照、影長變換
Fabergé egg
Peter Carl Fabergé, Russia