CCGPS CA 3.4.2 Example 3

Create a table of values for the exponential function [math]f(x)=4(\frac{2}{3})^x - 3[/math]. Identify the asymptote and [i]y[/i]-intercept of the function. Plot the points and sketch the graph of the function, and describe the end behavior.

[list=1] [*]Create a table of values. [*]Identify the asymptote of the function. [*]Determine the [i]y[/i]-intercept of the function. [*]Graph the function. [*]Describe the end behavior of the graph. [/list] This applet is provided by Walch Education as supplemental material for the [i]CCGPS Coordinate Algebra[/i] program. Visit [url=""][/url] for more information on our resources.