This activity is also part of one or more other Books. Modifications will be visible in all these Books. Do you want to modify the original activity or create your own copy for this Book instead?
This activity was created by '{$1}'. Do you want to modify the original activity or create your own copy instead?
This activity was created by '{$1}' and you lack the permission to edit it. Do you want to create your own copy instead and add it to the book?
GeoGebra 目前沒有「分頁」的功能,但我們可以利用「按鈕」與設定「顯示物件的條件」來模擬分頁的功能。
當按按鈕「1」時,會設定變數 p = 1,此時設定「顯示物件的條件」為「p == 1」者會自動顯示出來。以此類推:
當按按鈕「2」時,會設定變數 p = 2,此時設定「顯示物件的條件」為「p == 2」者會自動顯示出來。