Working With Midpoints: Ex. 8

1) Use the MIDPOINT [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_midpoint.png[/icon] tool to plot the midpoints of any 2 sides of the given triangle. [br]2) Use the SEGMENT [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_segment.png[/icon] tool to draw the segment (triangle midsegment) connecting these 2 points.[br]3) Use ANOTHER TOOL to illustrate this midsegment (MS) is parallel to the 3rd side of the triangle. [br][br]4) Measure and display the names lengths of the MS and the side of the triangle the MS doesn't touch.[br][br]5) In the algebra view (left side), input [name of MS] / [name of triangle side MS doesn't touch]. [br][br]6) Move [i]A, B[/i], and/or [i]C[/i] around to verify the slopes are equal and the ratio MS / 3rd side = 0.5.
Can you use YET ANOTHER TOOL to prove the midsegment is parallel to the 3rd side of the triangle? [br]Do so.
[color=#0000ff]When you're done (or if you're unsure of something), feel free to check by watching the quick silent screencast below the applet. [/color]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Information: Working With Midpoints: Ex. 8