[i]The lesson was held in the computer lab. Students had access each to a workstation and I've just guided them through successive stages in the lesson.[/i]
[i]Everything was very easy and pleasant at the same time![/i]
[i]Obviously the lesson was more attractive and understandable due to interactivity. I believe that students have achieved the lesson objectives, especially because the lesson was easy.[/i]
[i]Students were excited about the lesson [i]interactivity[/i], they practice in their personal pace, they resumed applications when they needed to secure knowledge. [br][/i]They promised they will access GeoGebra from home to work and learn various problems (most of them saw it for the first time)
[i]Descoperirea tuturor facilitatilor aplicatiei Geogebra astfel incat elevii sa beneficieze de cele mai inspirate lectii!!![/i]