Making Change - Canadian Currency

You are a cashier at a hardware store. Your first customer's change is $56.95
[size=200]What coins did you use?[br]What bills?[/size]
[size=200]Could you make the same change another way? Explain what bills and coins you could use instead of your previous way of giving back change.[/size]
[size=200]How much did the original item cost? How did you calculate this?[/size]
The next customer's change is $22.55.
[size=200]What coins did you use?[br]What bills?[br][/size][size=200]Could you make the same change another way?[/size]
[size=200]What coins did you use?[br]What bills?[/size]
[size=200]How much did you give back to the customer?[/size]
You have to count the till after your lunch break.
[size=200]Count up all the bills. [br]How much money do you have? [/size]
[size=200]Now count up all the change. [br]How much do you have in change? [/size]
[size=200]Add the bills and the change from the two answers before this. [br]How much do you have altogether? Write the amount below.[/size]
You should have $124.00 based on the cashier print out but you have more. How much is the till over the amount?

Information: Making Change - Canadian Currency