Given [math]\angle ABC[/math][br]Construct: An angle congruent to [math]\angle ABC[/math][br][br][color=#ff00ff]General notes: To start over, press your browser's refresh button. [/color][br]Procedure: [br]1. Select the Ray tool. Draw ray DE such that point D is in the lower left of the construction window, and point E is in the lower right.[br]2. Use the Point On an Object tool and place point F on the shorter ray of [math]\angle ABC[/math].[br]3. Select the circle tool. [br]4. Click point B as the center.[br]5. Click point F as your radius.[br]6. Select the Intersect tool and mark point G where your circle intersects the longer side of [math]\angle ABC[/math].[br]7. Click point D as the center where you place the congruent circle. [br]8. Select the Intersect tool and mark point H where your circle intersects ray DE. [br]9. Select the Compass tool.[br]10. Anchor your compass at point F. Open its radius to point G. Translate this circle to be centered at point H.[br]11. Use the intersect tool to mark where circle D intersects with circle H.[br]12. Use the ray tool to create ray DI. [math]\angle IDH\cong\angle ABC[/math][br][br][u]Remember[/u]: [br][list][*][color=#ff0000]Given info: red[/color][/*][*][color=#6aa84f]Arcs utilized in construction: green[/color][/*][*][color=#0000ff]The final construction: blue[/color][br][/*][/list]