Graphics View

What is the Graphics View?
The graphical representation of all created objects (e.g. points, graphs) is displayed in the [i]Graphics View[/i]. You can use the tools provided in the [img][/img] [i]Tools View[/i] to create new objects in the [i]Graphics View[/i].[br][list=1][*]Select the [img][/img] [i]Tools View [/i]button to open the [i]Tools View[/i].[/*][*]Select the tool you would like to use.[/*][*]Read the appearing [i]Tooltip[/i] to find out how to use the selected tool.[/*][*]Apply the selected tool to existing objects or to an empty area of the [i]Graphics View[/i]. [br][b]Note:[/b] Necessary auxiliary objects may be created along the way.[/*][/list]
Explore the construction...
Editing and deleting objects
Select an object in the [i]Graphics View[/i] by clicking or tapping it once. When selected, the object will appear highlighted and the [i]Style Bar[/i] appears next to it, offering a selected set of options.[br][br][img][/img][b]Change color[br][/b]Use the [img][/img] [i]Change color[/i] button to change the color of the object. If the object can be filled (i.e.: polygon, circle) you can change the opacity of the filling by dragging the slider.[br][br][img width=20,height=23][/img] [b]Delete Object[br][/b]Use the [img width=20,height=23][/img] [i]Delete [/i]button to delete the selected object.
Customizing the Graphics View
You can customize the [i]Graphics View[/i] using the [img][/img] [i]Settings [/i]button in the top right corner. Find even more settings by choosing [img][/img] [i]Settings [/i]again in the appearing menu.
Hide other Views
You may want to only show the [i]Graphics View [/i]and to close the other [i]Views[/i]. Therefore select the highlighted [i]View [/i]from the navigation. You can display other [i]Views [/i]again by using the corresponding buttons. 

Information: Graphics View