Conversions between fractions, decimals, and percentages ae common. Calculators will often work with decimals, converting answers to fractions or percentages when required. This means that things are converted to and from decimals a lot in your calculator.[br][br]You may also convert to compare deals. Is a 30% discount better than a half price deal?[br][br]You may use the applet below to help with the questions that follow:
Convert 0.6 to a percentage
Find all equivalent fractions of 0.25
0.4 is between which of the following pairs of values:
What decimal is [math]\frac{3}{8}[/math] equivalent to?
35% is equivalent to which of the following?
Shops A, B, and C are having a sale on the same items:[br][br][list][*]Shop A is offering everything at [math]\frac{1}{2}[/math] price[/*][*]Shop B is selling their goods at 25% off[/*][*]Shop C is asking its customers to pay 0.75 of the normal price[/*][/list][br][br]Compare and contrast the prices for the items at each shop.