Circle Terminology

[color=#000000]There are many vocabulary terms we use when talking about a circle. [br]The following app was designed to help you clearly see and interact with each term. [br][br]Explore this app for a few minutes. Then answer the questions that follow. [/color]
Note: LARGE POINTS are moveable.
How would you describe or define a [b]CIRCLE[/b] as a locus (set of points that meets specified criteria)?
How would you describe the term [b][color=#38761d]RADIUS[/color] [/b][i]without using the words "half" or "diameter" [/i]in your description?
What does the term [b][color=#9900ff]CHORD[/color] [/b]mean here in the context of a circle?
How would you describe the term [b][color=#ff7700]DIAMETER[/color] [/b][i]without using the words "two", "double", or "diameter" [/i]in your description?
How would you describe/define the term [b][color=#cc0000]SECANT[/color][/b]?
What does it mean for a line to be [b][color=#1e84cc]TANGENT [/color][/b]to a circle?

Sangaku de Sekisuiji

Problema d'un sangaku localitzat a la prefectura de Nagano, en el temple Sekisuiji del poble de Chikuhoku.[br]Referència extreta de Eichi Ito, [2003]. Japanese temple Mathematical problems, in Nagano Pref. Japan. Publicat per Kyoikushokan, Nagano City.[br][color=#0000ff][b][url=,125.4004468,5.06z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x63b054c98910b6f4!8m2!3d36.4255476!4d138.0263666?hl=ca-ES]Localització i web a Google Maps[/url].[/b][/color][br]Es presenta la construcció de quatre cercles tangents tal com es veu en la finestra gràfica.[br]Els punts de color verd control·len alguns parèmetres inicials i el punt [b]Anima[/b] presenta la construcció en temps real.
Feu una anàlisi de la construcció que us permeti trobar la relació entre els radis dels quatre cercles
Activitat per a l'alumnat. Sangaku de Sekisuiji

Trójkąty - ćwiczenie
