Open Middle: Building Squares

The quadrilateral below has 4 vertices. Each vertex has 2 coordinates (x, y). Your task: Construct a quadrilateral in the app below so that
  • Coordinates take on integer values 0 - 9
  • There are no repeated coordinates
  • The quadrilateral formed is a square.
Note: Repeated coordinates, if any, are displayed to the right.
Create a square below. Be sure the vertices have no repeated coordinates!
Use any GeoGebra tool(s) in the app above to clearly show how you know the quadrilateral you just formed is a square. Be sure to fully explain your reasoning!
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• Unordered list
1. Ordered list
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[code]Code [ctrl+shift+4]
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Create another square different from the one you created above. Be sure the vertices have no repeated coordinates!
Use any GeoGebra tool(s) in the app above to clearly show how you know the quadrilateral you just formed is a square. Be sure to fully explain your reasoning!
Font sizeFont size
Very smallSmallNormalBigVery big
Bold [ctrl+b]
Italic [ctrl+i]
Underline [ctrl+u]
Font color
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Align right
Align center
• Unordered list
1. Ordered list
Quote [ctrl+shift+3]
[code]Code [ctrl+shift+4]
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Insert image [ctrl+shift+1]
Insert icons of GeoGebra tools
Text tools
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Information: Open Middle: Building Squares