Copy of Rotation: Find the centre task 3 (NJT)

Move the vertices A,B and C[br]Can you find the centre of rotation?[br]What strategy do you have for checking if you are correct?[br]What can you say about the centre when a rotation is carried out?[br]To check if you are correct click on the [color=#c51414]show centre[/color] button
[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]
Move the vertices A,B and C[br]Can you find the centre of rotation?[br]What strategy do you have for checking if you are correct?[br]What can you say about the centre when a rotation is carried out?[br]To check if you are correct click on the [color=#c51414]show centre[/color] button

Information: Copy of Rotation: Find the centre task 3 (NJT)