Inscribed Angle Action !!!

Recall that in a circle, an [b][color=#1551b5]inscribed angle[/color][/b][color=#1551b5] is an angle whose vertex lies on the circle and whose rays intersect the circle at two other points.[/color].[br]An [b][color=#1551b5]inscribed angle[/color][/b] is shown in the applet below. Drag the slider and carefully pay attention to what happens. Answer the question that will appear in the applet and the 2 questions that appear below the applet.
Inscribed Angle Action !!!
[b][color=#c51414]Additional Questions[/color]:[/b][br][br]In the applet above....[br][br]1) If the[color=#1551b5] blue intercepted arc measures 146 degrees[/color], what would be measures of each of the five inscribed angles be? [br]2) If the measure of the left-most inscribed angle was 100 degrees, what would the measures of the other inscribed angles be? What would the measure of the [color=#1551b5]blue intercepted arc[/color] be?

Information: Inscribed Angle Action !!!