Angles - turning round the point.

Types of angles
Manipulate points A, B or C below to discover the different types of angles and what degrees define them.[br][br]Note each of the different angles in your workbook and their definitions.[br][i]Can you think of any others?[/i]
Watch this video to remind you of all the different angles.
Check the angles you notes in your workbook - did you get them all? Add any you might have missed.
Calculating angles
[color=#ff0000]Can you calculate the angle using the protractor?[/color][br][i]**Remember to match the centre of the protractor with the vertex of the angle (match blue dots) and zero the line (with red dot) on one line - measuring the angle to the other line.[br][/i][br]Complete 10 different examples below and write the angle and the type of angle for each in your workbook.[br][br][color=#0000ff]Don't forget - [i]the reflex angle is calculated by subtracting the acute angle from 360[/i][/color]

Information: Angles - turning round the point.