How to Display the Trace of an Object

How to turn on the trace of an object
Objects can leave a trace in the [img][/img] Graphics View when they are moved. There are two ways of turning on the trace of an object:[br][list][*]Select the object whose trace you would like to create. Use the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i] button in order to open the [img][/img] [i]Properties Dialog.[/i] Check [img][/img] [i]Show Trace[/i] on tab [i]Basic[/i].[br]OR[/*][*]Right-click (MacOS: [i]Ctrl[/i]-click, tablet: long tap) on an object and check [img][/img] [i]Trace On[/i] in the appearing [i]Context Menu[/i]. [/*][/list]Then, modify the construction so that the object, whose trace you turned on, changes its position and leaves a trace in the [img][/img] [i]Graphics View[/i].
[table][tr][td]1.[br][/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_move.png[/icon][br][/td][td]Select the [i]Move [/i]tool and then click on point [i]A[/i].[br][/td][/tr][tr][td]2.[br][/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Open the [i]Style Bar[/i] by clicking on the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i] button. Select the [img][/img] [i]Object Properties [/i]and check [img][/img] [i]Show Trace [/i]on tab [i]Basic.[/i] [/td][/tr][tr][td]3.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_move.png[/icon][/td][td]Select the [i]Move[/i] tool and drag point [i]A[/i] to show its trace.[br][/td][/tr][tr][td]4.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Also activate the trace feature for point [i]A'[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]5.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]To clear the trace, click on the [i]Menu[/i] button in the upper right corner of the GeoGebra window. Then select [i]Refresh Views[/i] from the [img][/img] [i]View[/i] menu.[/td][/tr][/table]
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Learn more about the Trace feature
The [img][/img] [i]Trace On[/i] feature has some special characteristics:[br][list][*]A trace is a temporary phenomenon. Whenever the graphics are refreshed, the trace disappears (e.g. on zoom). If you want to display a permanent trace of a point you can use the [url=]Locus[/url] tool or command.[br][/*][*]The trace cannot be saved and is not shown in the [img][/img] [i]Algebra View[/i].[br][/*][*]You can turn off the trace of an object by un-checking [img][/img] [i]Trace On[/i] either in the [img][/img] [i]Object Properties Dialog[/i] or the [i]Context Menu[/i].[br][/*][*]The menu item [i]Refresh Views[/i] in the [img][/img] [i]View[/i] menu clears all trace.[br][u]Hint[/u]: If you are using GeoGebra Desktop or the Web or Tablet App, you can also use the key combination [i]Ctrl – F[/i] in order to refresh the [i]Views[/i].[/*][/list]

How to Set Corner Points of an Inserted Picture

Corner points of an image
You may specify up to three corner points of an inserted image on tab [i]Position[/i] of its [img][/img] [i]Properties Dialog[/i]. This gives you the flexibility to scale, rotate, and even distort images (see also the [url=]Corner[/url] command).[br][list][*][b]Corner 1[/b]: position of the lower left corner of the image[/*][*][b]Corner 2[/b]: position of the lower right corner of the image[br][u]Note[/u]: This corner may only be set if [i]Corner 1[/i] was set before. It controls the width of the image.[/*][*][b]Corner 4[/b]: position of the upper left corner of the image[br][u]Note[/u]: This corner may only be set if [i]Corner 1[/i] was set before. It controls the height of the image.[/*][/list][u]Note[/u]: You may drag these points in order to change their position and modify the size of the image.
[table][tr][td]1. [/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Use the [i]Move [/i]tool in order to select the picture.[/td][/tr][tr][td]2. [/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Open the [i]Properties Dialog[/i] for the picture using the [img][/img] [i]Style Bar[/i] button.[/td][/tr][tr][td]3.[/td][td][br][/td][td]On tab [i]Position[/i], select point [i]A[/i] from the list next to [i]Corner1[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]4.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Move point [i]A[/i] in order to change the position of the picture in the [img][/img] [i]Graphics View[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]5.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Set point [i]B[/i] as the second corner point of the picture.[br][u]Note[/u]: Repeat steps 1 to 3, but select point [i]B[/i] from the list next to [i]Corner 2[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]6.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Move point [i]B[/i] in order to change the size of the picture.[/td][/tr][tr][td]7.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Set point [i]D[/i] as the fourth corner point of the picture.[br][u]Note[/u]: Repeat steps 1 to 3, but select point [i]D[/i] from the list next to [i]Corner 4[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]8.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Move point [i]D[/i] in order to distort the picture.[/td][/tr][/table]
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