Spherical pi

[math]\pi[/math] is the ratio between length of a circumference of a circle to the length of its diameter.[br]What is [math]\pi[/math] for a circle on the surface of a sphere?
Drag the slider on the right to make b=0. What is value of [math]pi[/math] for that circle (the ratio C/D)?
What quantity does [math]b[/math] represent in the figure?
Drag the slider on the right to make b=0.5. What is the value of [math]pi[/math] for that circle?
Continuing dragging the slider...how does the value of b vary with the value of [math]pi[/math] ?
What is the limit of [math]\pi[/math] as the radius of a spherical circle approaches 0?

Information: Spherical pi