[font=Arial][justify]The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2003) of USA recommends in “The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics”:[/justify][/font][list][*][justify]all students should have the opportunity and support, necessary to learn significant mathematics with depth and understanding;[/justify][/*][*][justify]the mathematical instructional programs should offer opportunities to students to “use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modelling to solve problems” and, also, to be “encouraged to reflect on their thinking during the problem-solving process so that they can apply and adapt the strategies that they develop to other problems and in other contexts”;[/justify][/*][*][justify]students should make and investigate mathematical conjectures and learn how to generalise and extend problems by posing follow-up questions.[/justify][/*][/list][justify]Problem-posing activities might be organised before, during, or after the problem-solving process. Stoyanova (1997, pp. 18–33) marked the impact of students' problem-posing activities on mathematical instruction, аs:[/justify][list][*][justify]a way of extending students’ understanding of important mathematical concept;[/justify][/*][*][justify]a means for improving students’ skills in problem solving;[/justify][/*][*][justify]an important component of students’ assessment;[/justify][/*][*][justify]a way of changing the nature of the communication in the mathematics classroom;[/justify][/*][*][justify]a window into students’ difficulties in mathematics;[/justify][/*][*][justify]a way of investigating the highest level of students’ mathematical performance;[/justify][/*][*][justify]a way of preparing students to be intelligent users of mathematics in their everyday life;[/justify][/*][*][justify]a way of linking students’ own interests with their mathematical education.[/justify][/*][/list][justify]This article presents the possibilities of GeoGebra usage to create mathematical problem-posing and problem-solving environment, which stimulates the mathematical creativity of students - future teachers of Mathematics and Informatics. [/justify]