Building Quadrilaterals

The quadrilateral below has 4 vertices. Each vertex has 2 coordinates (x, y). Your task: Construct a quadrilateral in the app below so that
  • The quadrilateral formed is a rectangle.
  • Find the slopes of each of the side lengths.
  • Measure the side lengths and angle measures.
  • Construct the diagonals of your rectangle.
  • Measure the angle measures created by the diagonals.
  • Measure the diagonals.
Create a rectangle below. Find the slope of all sides of the rectangle and measure the angles. Create and measure the diagonals and measure the angles created by the diagonals. Find the length and slope of the diagonals. (Make sure to write this informati
Use any GeoGebra tool(s) in the app above to clearly show how you know the quadrilateral you just formed is a rectangle. Be sure to fully explain your reasoning! Provide specific measurements and the names of line segments and angles, when describing your rationale.
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Repeat the same instructions for a square.
Use any GeoGebra tool(s) in the app above to clearly show how you know the quadrilateral you just formed is a square. Be sure to fully explain your reasoning! Provide specific measurements and the names of line segments and angles.
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Repeat the same instructions for a rhombus.
Use any GeoGebra tool(s) in the app above to clearly show how you know the quadrilateral you just formed is a rhombus. Be sure to fully explain your reasoning! Provide specific measurements and the names of line segments and angles.
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Repeat the same instructions for a trapezoid.
Use any GeoGebra tool(s) in the app above to clearly show how you know the quadrilateral you just formed is a trapezoid and what type of trapezoid you created (scalene, isosceles, obtuse, or right). Be sure to fully explain your reasoning! Provide specific measurements and the names of line segments and angles.
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Information: Building Quadrilaterals