first order dirac

first order
This graph shows the system response in time domain.[br]The function in red is:[br][math]y\left(t\right)=K_ge^{\left(-\frac{t}{\tau}\right)}[/math][br]The time function came from the inverse Laplace Transform of s domain function G(s):[br][math]G\left(s\right)=\frac{K_g}{\tau s+1}[/math][br](standard form)[br]where:[br]a,c and c and a are polynomial coef[br][math]K_g=\frac{1}{c_2}[/math] [br]is the system gain[br][math]\tau=\frac{c_1}{c_2}[/math] [br]is the time constant

Information: first order dirac