Linear Equations: y = mx + b

The red line shown on the graph has the equation y = mx + b[br]The green slider line represents values for m.[br]The blue slider line represents values for b.[br]What happens to the line when you move the sliders (change the values of m and b)?
Exploring the y-intercept:[br]1. Click on the dot on the blue slider line and move it to the right. This changes the value of 'b' in the equation above. [br] What happens to the red line? _______________[br]2. Now move the dot to the left. [br] How does this compare to the previous action? _______________[br][br]Exploring the slope:[br]1. Click on the dot on the green slider line and move it to the right. This changes the value of 'm' in the equation above. [br] What happens to the red line? _______________[br]2. Now move the dot to the left. [br] How does this compare to the previous action? _______________

Information: Linear Equations: y = mx + b