Prime Numbers Sieve Patterns

Twin, cousin, and sexy primes are of the forms (p,p+2), (p,p+4), (p,p+6) respectively, for p a prime.[br][br]A prime triplet is a set of three prime numbers of the form (p, p + 2, p + 6) or (p, p + 4, p + 6).[br][br]Many of you have done the Sieve of Eratosthenes with a 10x10 grid, use this grid to learn about prime patterns above. [br][br][url=]ID Prime Family Names[br][/url]
Thanks rami for assistance on doing the coloring.[br][br]Highly interactive sieves of [url=]Eratosthenes[/url] are available via [url=][/url].[br][br]For more about prime number patterns above, see [url=]Primorial Prime[/url] on Wikipedia. The first few primorial primes are [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], [url=]5[/url], [url=]7[/url], [url=]29[/url], [url=]31[/url], [url=]211[/url], [url=]2309[/url], [url=]2311[/url], 30029, 200560490131, 304250263527209, 23768741896345550770650537601358309 (i.e. the product of the first n primes).

Information: Prime Numbers Sieve Patterns