1 Radian: Clear Definition

[color=#c51414]One unit of ANGLE or ARC MEASURE which you're probably familiar with is that of a "degree." One degree is 1/360th of a full revolution, right? [/color][br][color=#0a971e]Another unit of ANGLE or ARC MEASURE is a "revolution". 1 revolution = 360 degrees, right? [/color][br][br][color=#1551b5]Well, there is ANOTHER unit of ANGLE or ARC MEASURE with which you'll soon become familiar. [/color] [br][color=#1551b5]This new unit of ANGLE or ARC MEASURE is called a [b]RADIAN[/b]. [/color] [br][br][i][color=#b20ea8]Interact with the applet below for a few minutes. [br]Reset it a few times and start the animation again each time.[br]Be sure to change the circle's radius as you go along. [br][br][b][color=#1551b5]After interacting with this applet, answer the question that appears immediately below it.[/color][/b][/color] [/i]
Again, recall that a "degree", a "revolution", and a "radian" are all units of ARC MEASURE (i.e. AMOUNT OF SPIN). [br][br][color=#c51414][b]Complete the following sentence definition:[/b][/color] [br][br][b][color=#1551b5]Definition: 1 RADIAN is defined to be a unit of ARC MEASURE for which.....[/color][/b]

Radian Definition
