Monty Hall

Dados intransitivos

Copia de Ruleta

Rock Paper Scissors

Begin by setting the probabilities for the "computer" to play rock, paper, or scissors by dragging the green point inside the triangle. [br][br]Click on one of the rock, paper, or scissors on the left side of the screen to make your play.[br][br]The win-lose-tie counts will be undated automatically. The "Computer" number is what is randomly selected for the computer to play. Scissors is played when the P(scissors) is less than this number, Rock is played when 1 – P(rock) is greater than this number, and paper is played the rest of the time.

Flipping Coins

Flip 5 coins 100 times. Record the number of heads.
Flip 10 coins 100 times. Record the number of heads.
Flip 20 coins 100 times. Record the number of heads.
Flip 100 coins 100 times. Record the number of heads.

Triangle Inequality

[size=150][size=200]Take a stick and randomly break it in two places. You now have three pieces of a stick. How likely is it that the three pieces will form a triangle?[/size][/size]
