Vertex-Edge Investigation: Taking a Trip

[b]Drag [/b]the points around, [b]change[/b] the number of points, and [b]explore[/b] the traveling salesman path and the minimum spanning path.
Explore the two paths. [br]Under what conditions are the two paths the same? Under what conditions do the two paths have the same length? [br]Is it possible for the traveling salesman path to be shorter than the minimum spanning path?[br][br][br]The [b]traveling salesman path[/b] is the [u]shortest closed path[/u], a path that starts and ends at the same point, where [u]each point is passed through just once[/u].[br][br]The [b]minimum spanning path[/b] shows the [u]shortest path that connects all points[/u]. It is possible that the path will [u]pass through a point more than once[/u].

Information: Vertex-Edge Investigation: Taking a Trip