
In this GeoGebrabook a lot of articles are quoted. Of course there’s nothing above reading them yourself. Here’s a list.[br][list][*]Lu & Steinhardt: [url=]Decagonal ans quasi-Crystalline Tilings in Medieval Islamic Architecture[/url][br][/*][*]E.H. Hankin: [url=]the Drawing of Geometric patterns in Saracenic Art[/url][/*][*]Peter Cromwell: [url=]The search of Quasi-Periodicity on 5-fold Islamic Ornament[/url][/*][*]Peter Cromwell: [url=]Modularity and Hierarchy in Persian Architecture[/url][/*][*]Jan Hogendijk: [url=]Middeleeuwse geometrische Islamitische ornamentiek[/url][/*][*]Lynn Bodner: [url=]Hankins 'Polygons in Contact'[/url][/*][*]Lynn Bodner: [url=]A Nine- and Twelve-Pointed Star Polygon Design of the Tashkent Scrolls[/url][/*][*]Jay Bonner: [url=]a 7-fold system part 1 historical antecedents[/url][/*][*]Jay Bonner: [url=]a 7-fold system part 2 contemporary expression[/url][br][/*][*]Carol Bier: [url=]Taking Sides, but who's counting? The decagonal tomb at Maragha[/url][br][/*][*]Carol Bier: [url=]The decagonal tomb at Maragha[/url][/*][*]Carol Bier: [url=]Geometry made Manifest: Reorienting the Historiography of Ornament[/url][/*][*]Carol Bier: [url=]Geometric Patterns and the Interpretation of Meaning: two monuments in Iran[/url][/*][*]Luc Lauwers: [url=]Darb-e Imam Tesselations: a mistake of 250 Years[/url][/*][/list][br]An extensive source of photographical material is [url=]Pattern in Islamic Art[/url], with a database of pictures, links to museums, the Topkapi scroll and much more. [br]A nice introduction for dutch speaking people is the website of [url=]Goossen Karssenberg[/url]. He’s fascinated by the subject and on his website you can find a lot of info on his activities. The little book [i]Snijpunt Isfahan[/i] of his oldest daughter on their trip to Iran surely is recommended![br]Another person who’s been active in multiple ways with Islamic patterns is [url=]Eric Broug[/url]. On his site you can read on his art projects, workshops and publications. [br][br]Once bitten by the subject you cannot pass the books by Jay Bonner: [i]Islamic Geometric Patters[/i] (Springer 2017 ISBN 978-1-4419-0216-0) and [i]Islamic Geometric Design[/i] (Thames & Hudson 2013 ISBN 978-0-500-51695-9) by Eric Broug. [br]Getty Publications published The Topkapi Scroll - Geometry and Ornament in Islamic Architecture van Gülrü Necipoglu online. You can legally download it at [url=]Getty Publications[/url].

Information: links