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This set of materials is designed for developing concept of speed and techniques of calculation or estimation. It can be used for discussion in class. There are 5 recorded races at the beginning, representing different situations where distance and time vary. The final applet of 'training' allows more detailed exploration by adjusting relevant quantities.
五場賽事的情景如下(details of first 5 races):
1. 距離相同但時間不同 (same distance; different time)
2. 距離不同但時間相同 (different distance; same time)
3. 距離與時間都不同,速率相同:2格每秒 (different distance, time; same speed)
4. 距離與時間都不同,速率亦不同:2·5格和3格每秒 (different distance, time, speed)
5. 距離與時間都不同,速率亦不同:2格和1·5格每秒 (different distance, time, speed)
Races 3 to 5 may require more detailed analysis. It leads to more precise description of speed.
特訓專區 (training area):
你可以設定跑道和完成時間,從而分析蝸牛的快慢。You may set your own track length and finishing time in order to explore relation among those quantities.
有關速率,時間和距離的提問,可參考以下例子(3 main ways to ask):
1. [url=]找速率 find the speed[/url]
2. [url=]找時間 find the time[/url]
3. [url=]找距離 find the distance[/url]
The following activities were adapted from the DfE Standards Unit resource: Interpreting Distance-Time Graphs with a computer (
This GeoGebra version is adapted from the work of Dan Cooper, Tom Button and Tim Brzezinski. Please see
More resources related to this activity:
Language of Functions and Graphs (from Shell Centre)