Building Spatial Awareness: Intro
Goal: Build this rectangular prism in the app below.

Note the prism above has 8 vertices (corners). If we position one of its vertices at (0,0,0), enter 7 other ordered triples (x,y,z) that can serve as locations for its other vertices.
Note the prism above has six faces. [br]Lets construct other five faces of this prism that are not contained in the gridded plane above. [br][br]Once you're done plotting the 7 other vertices of your prism:[br][list][*]Press the TOOLS icon (left side). [/*][*]Find and select the POLYGON [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_polygon.png[/icon] tool. [/*][*]Use this tool to construct each face of the polygon. (When building a face, be sure you select vertices in a circular order and "close" the polygon with the first vertex you selected.)[/*][*]If you want to move your 3D construction around select the MOVE [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_move.png[/icon] tool to turn off the POLYGON tool so you can. [/*][*][b]Tip: [/b]RIGHT CLICK on any point and select "FIX OBJECT" to prevent that point from moving. [/*][/list]