
[left]Illustrative Mathematics (IM) is the highly acclaimed, content and practice standard focused, curriculum where students learn to understand and make connections between concepts and procedures. GeoGebra makes this Open Educational Resource available to you digitally for free![b][url=][br][/url][/b][/left][list][*][b][url=]Free Middle School Curriculum[/url] [/b][b]for [/b][b]Grades 6-8[/b][/*][*][b][b][url=]Free High School Curriculum[/url] for [/b][/b][b][b]Grades 9-12[br][br][/b][/b][/*][/list][list][*][b][url=]Free Elementary Resource Collection[/url] for Grades K-5[/b][/*][/list][br]"Digital" doesn’t mean merely pdf copies, but rather hundreds of additional interactive activities that engage students in any live, virtual, or hybrid instructional setting. Using GeoGebra Classroom, teachers are able to monitor and formatively assess their students’ work and progress in real time on any type of device. [br][br]Want to try this curriculum for your school or let us know what you think? After you’ve explored, please fill out this feedback form so that we can help you through your next steps and improve the materials for all users! [br][left][/left][list][*][b][url=]Feedback for our IM Curriculum[/url][/b][/*][/list]Only interested in information? Stay up to date by signing up for our [url=]GeoGebra Newsletter[/url].
Ways to Use the Curriculum
The Illustrative Mathematics curriculum can be used with the GeoGebra Class feature as well as Google Classroom. We are also partnering with [url=]Sabier[/url] to offer these lesson activities through ready made courses on Moodle and Schoology.

Información: abc