Translation in the Coordinate Plane: Question Generator
[size=150]Feel free to access [b][url=]this GeoGebra construction[/url][/b] to help you answer any question you generate below. In this construction, both [i]A [/i](pre-image) and [b]vector[/b] [b]v [/b]are moveable. [/size]
Rotation in Coordinate Plane (1): Question Generator
For a version of this question generator where students rotate about points different from (0,0), [b][url=]click here[/url][/b].
[size=150][size=200]Use [b][url=]this GeoGebra construction[/url][/b] to help you answer any question(s) below. Here, large points are moveable. [/size][/size]
Line Reflection Questions
[size=150]Feel free to access this [b][url=]LINE REFLECTION TEMPLATE[/url][/b] when answering question(s) you generate below. Here, [b]LARGE POINTS[/b] and the [b]LINE[/b] are [b]MOVEABLE. [/b][/size]
Transformations: 2 Steps (V1)
[size=200]Feel free to access [b][url=]this resource[/url][/b] to help you answer questions that appear below. [/size]
Students: How to use the GeoGebra link above
Transformations: 3 Steps (V1)
[size=200]Feel free to access [b][url=]this resource[/url][/b] to help you answer questions that appear below. [/size]
Students: How to use the GeoGebra link above
6Q Quiz: Translation in the Coordinate Plane
[size=150]Feel free to access [b][url=]this GeoGebra construction[/url][/b] to help you answer any question you generate below. In this construction, both [i]A [/i](pre-image) and [b]vector [/b][b]v [/b]are moveable. [/size]